Monday, March 30, 2015

한글 (Hangul)


What is that 한글 thing I wrote up there? It is "Hangul" the series of alphabets in Korean language being used in Korea just like a-b-c in english, alif ba ta in arabic, and many more in other languages. Why I suddenly learn this thing? How would this benefit me?

Actually one of my dreams is to be like my late grandfather. I was told by my Ayah (the way how I call my dad at home) that my late grandfather can speak 6 languages. He was a sailor back then and since he had to travel to many places in the world, definitely he need to learn several languages to communicate with the locals. If I am not mistaken he knows Malay, English, Urdu, Tamil, and I forgot what are the other two languages. That story really impressed me a lot and I started to set my own goal that I should be able to speak more languages than my grandfather did in the past. 

My late Grandfather (Aki) and Grandma (Wan) with us - my brother (red) , cousin (white) and me (blue)

Actually, I have some kind of interest in learning extra languages apart of my mother tongue language - Malay and our country's second language English. I did learn German language in the past when I was in the high school - it was compulsory for us to learn one foreign language there. Currently while doing my medical degree in Czech republic, again I have to learn their language since not everyone in the hospital can speak English. Alhamdulillah, at least now I am able to understand, write and speak Čeština even though it is not as fluent as the natives. 

Insha Allah (with Allah's will), my next goal is to learn these languages:
  1. Arabic
  2. Mandarin
  3. Korean
  4. German (I do need to learn it back since I didnt use it much nowadays)
  5. Czech (I need to practice this to prevent myself from forgetting this language)
So now back to Hangul (Korean alphabets). Actually I found one interesting history about it - who created it, why it was created in the past etc. I got this info about The Great King Sejong of Korea who created it in wikipedia and some other articles in the internet.

The Great King Sejong of Korea - the creator of Hangul

Hangul was promulgated by the fourth king of the Joseon DynastySejong the Great. Sejong's scholarly institute, the Hall of Worthies, is often credited with the work, and at least one of its scholars was heavily involved in its creation, but it appears to have also been a personal project of Sejong
The project was completed in late 1443 or early 1444 and published in 1446 in a document titled Hunmin jeong-eum "The Proper Sounds for the Education of the People", after which the alphabet itself was named. Sejong explained that he created the new script because the existing idu system, based on Chinese characters, was not a good fit for the Korean language and were so difficult that only privileged male aristocrats (yangban) could afford the time and education to learn to read and write fluently. The vast majority of Koreans were left effectively illiterate. 
Hangul, on the other hand, was designed so that even a commoner with little education could learn to read and write: "A wise man can acquaint himself with them before the morning is over; a stupid man can learn them in the space of ten days.
So this is the basic history how Hangul (the korean alphabets) was created in the past. 

So, yesterday I try to find out how the korean letters are written since they look totally weird to me. It was difficult actually to learn every single consonants and vowels in this language. I think it is even harder than Czech!! They have as well the combined vowels and combined consonants to form syllables! It is indeed very challenging but this attracts me to learn more in details. 

Guess what, I found an interesting article on how to learn Hangul in 15 minutes! It is clearly illustrated in series of pictures like 9gags pictures which become a series of story line. You guys should try this! I did learn and remember the letters pretty well after going through the pictures. So here is it! Have a look! Click on the picture to make it larger.... 

Insha Allah I hope that by learning more languages I could speak to many people in the world and thus able to tell them about Islam. Surely if we try our best to speak other's language, they will definitely pay extra attention listening to us. Just like here in Czech republic, people would be happy if we try to speak their language. I did have several experience in the past when the secretary of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department turned from a bossy fierce monster to a nice graceful lady with a big smile in her face! Haha.... 

Insha Allah, I hope that by being able to speak several languages in the future, it will be easier for me to reach the community and hence I can tell them about Islam. Well I wish all of you to have fun learning the letters! One letter per day is better than nothing at all :) 

ajimdiah, Praha, 31/3/2015  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Cikánka (The Gypsy Girl)

*** This entry was written in the last few weeks


The 7 weeks of Pediatrics rotation is going to end really soon. In the beginning of the course, 7 weeks sounds like a very long period but in reality it is very short and everything happened so fast. Now few days left before Pediatrics state exam which is well known by everyone in my medical school as one of the hardest examinations in the final year. Whatever it is, I believe that Allah has planned the best for me and insha Allah I will try my best to go through this patiently.

Today I have came across an interesting case during my practical that really made me realize about life and how important it is to appreciate everything we have in our life. Throughout this week, my group was assigned to have our practical training in the ward for older children and adolescents. So this morning, our doctor brought us to meet a lovely 5 year old girl who came from one ethnic minority in Czech republic- Gypsy (Roma or Cikan in Czech). She was hospitalized here after being diagnosed to suffer from congenital myasthenia gravis. It would be too long to explain about this disease here - I would rather suggest you to ask our most trusted best friend “Mr Google” to know about it.

Some random picture of gypsy ethnics from internet

The condition of the girl was quite poor. She has late psychomotor development, all her muscles are weak especially her legs, her movements are very limited and she cannot walk and even stand up like other kids of her age. However, she cleverly responded to all the questions asked by the doctor and even from us the medical students. She is indeed a bright girl but unfortunate to suffer from this disease. My heart was touched to know that she has to face the disease from such an early age. Surely she will be envious to see her friends of the same age can play and run in the playgrounds, walk around in the big city of Prague, and do other fun stuffs preschoolers would love to do everyday.

The pediatrician told us that she needs supports and good care from her family since the disease is hard to be treated and need a long term therapy. The fact that she was borned to a gypsy family, the doctor said she might have a bigger problem in the future. I am trying to wonder why but then I started to remember from the public health rotation I had in the past telling me details about this ethnic minority group. I am not trying to stereotype anyone here but I am telling the real fact about majority of Roma people in Czech republic. Most (not all) of them live in poor conditions - poor hygiene, low economic status, involvement in crimes like drugs and alcohols, violence is quite high as well.

Knowing about these facts, I felt even sorry to this poor little girl. I wish that I could do something to help her. Actually, blaming her background like to whom or which family she was born will not solve the problem. Her family members should do something apart of what the authorities and community could do to assist her. I hope that the little girl will grow up well and nothing else I could do now other than praying that Allah will look after her and bless her always.

Pediatrics pratice in KDDL, LF1 Univerzita Karlova v Praze 

*** ”Get well soon dear little girl! I wish you great health and may hidayah be with you anytime in the future insha Allah…” - from this MuDR to be currently busy preparing for the STEX

ajimdiah, Praha, 20.2.2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hati oh Hati

Hati... kalau dalam Al quran Allah selalu sebut dan cerita tentang hati dan manusia. Begitu juga hadis rasulullah banyak riwayat2 berbincang tentangnya. Sememangnya manusia ni hatinya sangatlah fragile - mudah sekali goyah dan terpengaruh dengan persekitaran. Lihat sahajalah rata-rata remaja hari ini yg sangat mudah terpengaruh dengan ideologi barat mahupun timur yang cuba meruntuhkan akhlak islamiyah yang telah dibina oleh Rasulullah dan para sahabat sekian lama.

Begitu jugalah dengan diriku yang serba hina dan lemah ini. Aku pasti rata rata manusia pernah mengalami masalah hati. Pernah sekali (banyak kali sebenarnya) aku berasa letih dengan amalan-amalan Mutaabah yang dipersetujui dengan ahli2 liqo’ usrahku. Pernah juga aku mengeluh itu dan ini. Pernah juga aku berasa dengki dan iri hati dengan kejayaan dan kebolehan seseorang - seolah2 aku mahu kelebihan yang ada padanya hilang langsung… dengan kata lain, kalau aku x dapat, maka dia pun x layak dapat.


Puas juga aku cuba men”diagnose” apakah puncanya? Di mana silapnya aku? Mengapa harus timbul rasa kurang senang ni? Waktu pergi dan pulang menaiki tram ke masjid selama kira-kira 15 minit digunakan untuk sesi diagnosis diri atau dengan bahasa lainnya: muhasabah diri.

Akhirnya, aku tersentak sejenak semasa berjalan di tengah-tengah lautan manusia di Vaclavske namesti… Allah Taala seolah2 mahu mentarbiyyah diriku dengan cara self reflection. Aku sedar bahawa kebelakangan ini, hubungan aku dengan Allah semakin jauh dan jauh. Niatku yang asal mahu melaksanakan mutabaah amal sudah sedikit demi sedikit tersasar daripada matlamat asalnya. Bila difikirkan balik, akar umbinya adalah hati

Ya inilah jawapannya! Semuanya berpunca daripada HATI! Iya benar penyakit H-A-T-I….

Benarlah sabda rasulullah s.a.w

ألا وَإنَّ في الجَسَدِ مُضْغَةً إذَا صَلَحَتْ صَلَحَ الجَسَدُ كُلُّهُ، وَإِذَا فَسَدَتْ فَسَدَ الجَسَدُ كُلُّهُ ألاَ وَهِيَ القَلْبُ

“Ketahuilah! Sesungguhnya di dalam jasad manusia terdapat segumpal daging. Jika baik segumpal daging itu, akan baiklah jasad keseluruhannya dan jika ia rosak, akan rosaklah jasad keseluruhannya. Ketahuilah! Segumpal daging yang aku maksudkan itu ialah hati” (Riwayat Imam al-Bukhari).

Kini aku kembali sedar mengapa aku menjadi seorang dai’e yang lesu dan letih. Seorang yang mengikuti tarbiyah tetapi banyak ciri ciri jahiliyah yang wujud. Aku berasa malu dengan Allah kerana menjadi hamba yang tidak bersyukur dan mudah sekali goyah. Apatah lagi apabila pernah sekali timbul perasaan tidak redha dengan ketentuan Allah Taala - seolah2 aku mahu menyalahkan Allah kerana gagal memperoleh sesuatu. Siapalah aku untuk mempersoalkannya.

Hatiku berbisik seketika:
“Kau kena ingat diri kau tu hanya hamba yang selemah lemahnya! Allah itu Tuhan dan Tuan yang memiliki diri kau! Layakkah kau sebagai hamba nak mempersoalkan ketetapan dan keputusan Allah? Layakkah kau berkira2 dalam beramal? Letih.. Penat? Come on la dai’e muda… kata ikut tarbiyah.. ni baru nak tarbiyah diri belum lagi nak tarbiyah orang lain! acane tu? Dunia tu sekejap je… nak rehat tu haaa dekat syurga nanti boleh rehat puas2” (antara hobi best aku time muhasabah: bermonolog sendiri2 hehe)

Menderu deru lah air mata berlinang mengenangkan kesilapan yang pernah kubuat. Astaghfirullah ya Allah… ampunkanlah hamba Mu yang lemah ini. Hatiku sangat lemah dan mudah sekali dipengaruhi anasir2 luar…Solusinya sekarang: istighfar dan kembali perbaharui niat! Ya PERBAHARUI… bila dah jelas niat kita laksanakan sesuatu, maka jelas insha Allah perbuatan dan amalan kita.

Justeru, ini antara sebab kenapa ada di ajarkan doa khas kepada kita oleh rasulullah agar diberikan ketetapan hati:

اَللَّهُمَّ يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوْبِ, ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِيْ عَلَى دِيْنِك

(Allahumma ya Muqollibal-quluub, thabbit qolbi `ala diniKA)
“Ya ALLAH, Tuhan yang membolak-balikkan hati-hati, tetapkanlah hatiku pada agamaMU”

Cukup sahajalah coretan untuk kali ini. Insha Allah khamis ni ada state exam… Perbetulkan niat sebelum sambung study ye!

ajimdiah, Odboru, Praha, Czech republik 17. 11 .2014


 Kali terakhir jari jemariku bermain di atas papan kekunci komputer riba meng "update" blog adalah hampir 3 ke 4 tahun yang lalu. Namun tahun lepas ku nekad utk membuka blog yg baru menggantikan blog lama yg sudah pun di "delete".

Mana taknya mengupdate status di facebook ku rasakan lebih indah dan PUAS berbanding hanya di blog semata-mata. Pengguna dan tukang komen facebook jauh lebih ramai dan lebih kerap di sana berbanding di blog. Tapi tu bukan reason utama aku nekad nak delete blog lama.

Barangkali da sampai kot masa utk aku menulis dan mencatat sesuatu yg lebih serius. Usia semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun begitu juga kemahiran dan cara berfikir. Namun keinginanku sedikit terbantut disebabkan "medical student life" yg begitu sibuk ditambah pula dgn hal ehwal lain yg diamanahkan..

Kini aku berazam utk kembali memegang pena (cewah pena la sgt) - papan kekunci aka keypad note la klu generasi sekarang. Hasrat mahu kembali berkongsi kisah dan pengalaman hidup ku ni sebenarnya dah lama terbuku di hati. Namun sekali sekala ia terkubur dek kesibukan manusia. Ya lah manusia disibukkan dengan hal dunia sampai ada yg langsung lalai akan matlamat asas hidup di dunia. Adakah aku juga termasuk dalam golongan yg rugi ni?

Mungkin penulisan dan suara hati ku tentang sesuatu yg aku "experience" atau tempuhi sedikit sebanyak mampu menyentuh hati sesetengah pembaca blog (kalau ada pembaca la heheh...). Insha Allah nekad di hati sudah ada... mohon doa agar diberi kekuatan di dalam hati utk istiqamah dalam menulis... bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. :)

ajimdiah, Warsaw Poland, 1.Listopadu 2014